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All Kids Need Music Charity for Children Presents The Champions for Children Spotlight

Charities for Children, All Kids Need Music

Meet Shawn! He and Over 2,800 Other Arizona Orphans are Wishing Someone “Picks” Them

Shawn is 15 years old and currently lives in a group home with other kids in foster care. His parental rights are severed, and he is eligible for adoption.  Shawn is a kind, funny, helpful, intelligent, determined, caring, polite, and problem-solving young man. His favorite subject in school is a science because he enjoys the experiments. He enjoys music, spending his time playing video games like Fortnite and Call of Duty, and he likes a good book, and spending time with animals. Shawn also enjoys some yummy spaghetti or eating out at Panda Express and Sonic. All Kids Need Music, a charity for children, presents the champions for children spotlight. Without them, Shawn and other children would not be able to experience the wonderful gift of music.

Shawn is Waiting for His Forever Family to “Just Spend Forever With”

All Kids Need Music, a charity for children dedicated to providing music instruction for at-risk children, is blessed to offer the wonderful gift of learning to play a musical instrument as Shawn’s Christmas gift from us and a generous sponsor.  As grateful as Shawn is for his year of music lessons, what he said he wants most is “I just want a family to be with forever.” Shawn is such a good kid, and after being horrifically abused, he deserves to be loved unconditionally and given the stable home and bright future other U.S. children have.

Shawn would be thrilled to join his forever family this holiday season. Did you know that adoption from foster care is easier and less expensive than you might think? And that you don’t have to be married or even own a home?  And, you don’t have to be a foster parent before you can adopt a foster child! Please visit the Children’s Heart Gallery to learn more about this awesome kid, Shawn! View Shawn’s profile HERE

There are Thousands of U.S. Orphans Who Have Been Abused and Neglected

This Christmas, thousands of U.S. children aren’t hoping and wishing for the best video game player or the coolest pair of shoes.  And while the ones we can help through All Kids Need Music are grateful for music lessons,  they really are praying someone “picks” them, that the loving embrace of a mom and dad will welcome them into a forever family to always spend the holidays with. 

Through working with the Arizona Department of Child Safety, our charity for children has become painfully aware that in Arizona alone, over 2,800 foster kids are legally recognized as orphans – parental rights are severed as a result of life threatening abuse/neglect.  They no longer have a family to call their own, and are being raised in foster homes. We urgently need families to open their hearts, and if able, their homes, so that every child who is praying “Pick to open their hearts, and if able, their homes, so that every child who is praying “Pick me” has his or her prayer answered. 

Kids in foster care hearts hurt even more than usual during the holiday season. Family traditions, time spent together, and having fun are all precious moments every child dreams about for their Christmas. Sweet, caring, and worthy children are ready for a family to come by their side and offer them a new beginning, a fresh start at life, and a chance to be apart of a safe and loving family, finally.  You can also visit the Children’s Heart Gallery website HERE to find out how you can help Shawn and other kids in foster care! Foster kids experience tough lives, full of poverty, trauma, neglect and/or abuse so early on in their young lives and their lives are forever changed when others choose to help kids in foster care.

About All Kids Need Music:

All Kids Need Music is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) non-profit children’s charity, dedicated to reaching as many at-risk, underprivileged children and students who would simply have no other way to participate in Music Education except for the support of generous donors, as possible and provide each child access to a musical instrument and musical instruction. We believe in the transformative power of music education, and that every child deserves a chance to learn to play an instrument, learn more about us HERE

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